Sunday, October 7, 2007

Aris Rocked it!

A good workout came my way in the AM. Roger that. JW shows up with a busted bike. The Trek boys came to the rescue and JW was stuck at the back of his wave. Worked hard for a 6th and was forced in to a over-the-bar-face-plant 30yards from the finish. A few goof balls decided to ride in to the middle of the course and stop.

JW came up, freaked, squeezed and flipped. He's ok. Cit Youth - 6th Overall.

Theo was ready for a 2nd, until he broke his chain on the final lap. Theeeeere's Buckwheat!

John G started crazy strong. 4th overall Sport after lap one. The cramps snuck up on him on the "Equalizer"(you ride up - you get $5)(He rode up - he cramped) - 6th age, 41st overall.

Chris Tamborino bring'n his guns to the "We don't need no Stinking Mountains" show. 3rdish COMP race ever - 8th age, 27th Overall.
ARIS - 18th OVERALL He saves his best for last. (COMP age - 1st) Yup, socks-n-sandles.

On the ride home I was reminded of exactly where my mind should be.

Sheboygan's course is fly! Great fun. Oz.'s of video. A case of the Mondays has already begun.

1 comment:

Ronsta, said...

Glad to see Aris get a win!
Bummer about Theos chain.
Take it easy..